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Professional Comments

"To the Fellows of the Academy of Letters and Arts of Salvador:

Najla Barroso is the daughter of my late friend Ubiraja Barroso, the President Emeritus of the Brazilian Correspondence Chess Club.


An ex-employee of the Bank of Brazil, she moved to New Zealand, where she studied painting and launched a career as a painter.

Presently she lives in Sintra, Portugal, where she has established the basis of a successful international career owing to her diverse and award-winning portfolio.


My dear friend and honorary sister has adopted a vibrant style in harmony with bright colours that excludes the pallidness of dull shades.


Her art, a true delight, is the expression of happiness and the Bahian spirit combined with refinement and restraint.


Good luck, my sister!


I wish you every success!"


Luiz Cláudio Guimarães

President (2016–), Academy of Letters and Arts of Salvador

Salvador, Brazil

8 January 2019



Original Portuguese

"Para os confrades das ALAS:

Najla Barroso é filha do meu falecido amigo Ubirajara Barroso, o Presidente Emérito do Clube de Xadrez Epistolar Brasileiro.


Ex-funcionária do Banco do Brasil, mudou-se para a Nova Zelândia, onde fez curso de artes e lançou-se como pintora.


Atualmente, reside em Cintra, Portugal, de que fez plataforma para sua bem sucedida carreira internacional, graças ao seu rico e premiado portfólio.


A minha querida amiga e irmã emprestada firmou pacto de convivência com a harmonia das cores vivas, com rejeição à palidez das cores mórbidas.


Sua arte, um verdadeiro deleite, é expressão de alegria e baianidade, com requinte e contenção.


Saravá, Sister!




Luiz Cláudio Guimarães

Presidente (2016–2018), Academia de Letras e Artes de Salvador

Salvador, Brasil

8 de janeiro de 2019

Najla Barroso Dominik 'Afro-Bahian Encha

"Liza" (2013)

2nd Prize in the Anderson Lloyd Lawyers' Awards 2013

Audrey Bascand, Judge, Otago Art Society

Dunedin, New Zealand

4 October 2013

Najla Barroso Dominik 'Liza' (2013) Judg
Najla Barroso Dominik 'Liza' 1 (2014) Oi
Najla Barroso Dominik Otago Art Society
Najla Barroso Dominik Otago Art Society

© 2018-2022 by Najla's Art

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Website developed by W. J. Dominik

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